19 Gennaio 2025 ore 22:37

Weather Italy: A Week With New Rain and New Snow

Bad weather spread across much of Italy, but with temperatures rising and generally above normal

Weather Italy: A Week With New Rain and New Snow


The new week will be characterized by rather persistent bad weather, with rain and snow over much of Italy. Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st January will still be felt the effects of the disturbance that has been persisting over Italy for days: it will rain especially in the North, Tyrrhenian regions and Sardinia, with snowfall on the Alps and Northern Apennines.

Between Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd January a second disturbance will bring its rains to the North and part of the Centre, with snow on the mountainous areas, but at higher altitudes, because temperatures will rise in much of Italy despite the bad weather. Snowfall in the Alps, although confined to rather high altitudes, could be heavy.

Finally, after a partial break in the bad weather expected between Friday 24th and Saturday 25th January, a third disturbance will reach Italy on Sunday 26th January and will bring a new worsening of the weather to the Northwest, where rain and even snow will return, which however will only fall in the mountains at high altitudes.


© MeteoGiuliacci - riproduzione riservata
Fonte: MeteoGiuliacci.it
Autore: Team MeteoGiuliacci


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